The SHARP Award recognises projects or worksites that have good safety and health performance and workplace safety and health management systems. This includes large-scale projects that mobilise significant manpower and have shown their ability to manage WSH on a project-level. Examples of winners of this award would be shipyards’ projects, construction worksites and large workplaces within an organisation.
The objective of this audit is to assess organization’s compliance to elements of ConSASS -Safety & Health Management Systems and also check whether organization meets criteria to attain award.
The audit methodology includes document review, site inspection and interview of key personnel. There are a total of 3 man days required to complete this audit. The audit is conducted based on standard checklist of 300 questionnaire published by WSH Council. The audit shall be conducted by MOM Approved WSH Auditors employed by MOM Approved WSH Auditing Organization.
Audit scope will also cover audit on X Factors Checklist and CultureSAFE Evidence Based Assessment.

Audit [Methodology]
- Pre-Audit Liaison
- Opening Meeting
- Familiarisation Tour
- Physical Inspection
- Interview of Personnel
- Closing Meeting
- Preparation of Report
- Follow Up
1 Yishun Industrial Street 1, 05-27, A’Posh BizHub, Singapore 768160